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Turing Scheme 2023 to 2024 – project management tasks and tips

Stay on top of these regular Turing Scheme administrative tasks to make sure that you receive funding payments on time and help your projects and mobilities to run smoothly.

As a Turing Scheme beneficiary, you are required to complete regular administrative tasks to ensure that you receive your funding in a timely manner and that the Turing Scheme Administrator (Capita) is kept informed of the progress of your Project and mobilities.

These tasks, outlined below, will usually be performed and managed online via the Turing Scheme Project Reporting Tool.

Your Project Plan should be kept up to date at all times and whenever making Payment Requests or submitting a Monthly Report you will be asked to confirm whether any changes have occurred.

Failure to keep your data up to date may result in funding being withheld.

Change Requests

When making changes to your Project, there are two routes that may apply:

  • Changes which will be automatically approved
  • Changes that require Turing Scheme Administrator approval

A Change Request should be submitted as and when you wish to make changes to your project plan, including changes to Mobility Groups, Participant lists, and mobility dates.

PLEASE NOTE: Any change that would impact a Payment Request must be submitted 30 days prior to that Payment Request. The Project Plan in the Project Reporting Tool will automatically reflect the changes.

In exceptional circumstances, if you cannot adhere to the 30-day notice period, or if you identify a necessary change to a part of your Project you have already received Grant Funding for, the change must be submitted via the Project Reporting Tool as soon as it is known.

Watch our tutorial video for a step-by-step guide to making a Change Request.

Payment Requests

A Payment Request must be made by the 15th day of the month, two months prior to each anticipated Point of Expenditure (exceptions to this apply for Payment Requests in August, September and October).

All Payment Requests need to be supported by the submission of Participant data, to confirm that the Mobility is going ahead. Partial Payment Requests can be submitted if you do not have data available for all Participants.

Payments will be made around the beginning of the month of your Anticipated Point of Expenditure, but no later than 60 days after approving the request.

Familiarise yourself with your Points of Expenditure and the associated Payment Request deadlines, below, so that all requests are submitted on time. 

Month of Anticipated Point of ExpenditurePayment Request Submission Deadline
September 202331 August 2023
October 202331 August 2023
November 202315 September 2023
December 202315 October 2023
January 202415 November 2023
February 202415 December 2023
March 202415 January 2024
April 202415 February 2024
May 202415 March 2024
June 202415 April 2024
July 202415 May 2024
August 202415 June 2024

Watch our tutorial video for a step-by-step guide to making a Payment Request.

Monthly Reports

Monthly reporting is a mandatory requirement and plays a key role in the delivery of your Project. It serves two primary functions: to update the Turing Scheme Administrator on the progress of Mobilities you have received payment for to date, and to monitor the progress of the Project against the Approved Project Plan, including being able to tell us about Project Plan changes.

As part of your monthly report, we will ask you to tell us whether the Participant data you have previously submitted is still up to date. If previously submitted Participant data is no longer up to date, you should update it.

Failure to complete monthly live reporting will lead to future funding being withheld.

As part of your Monthly Report, we will also ask you to complete a written update, which will allow you to tell us about the implementation and progress of your Project, changes to Mobilities (where significant) as well as your Project Plan. This should be submitted via the Project Reporting Tool. You will receive a monthly reminder email when your Monthly Report is due.

Updating Participant lists

During your Project, you need to keep your Participant list and Mobility Groups updated. Any changes should be submitted as soon as they are known as approval, where needed, can take up to five working days. You will need to ensure that you submit changes to Mobility Groups and/or Participant data in advance of each Payment Request deadline.

Watch our tutorial video for a step-by-step guide to making a change to participants.

Change of Project coordinator or legal representative

If the coordinator or Legal Representative changes during your Turing Scheme Project, please send an updated version of the Turing Scheme Contact Details form (Annex 7 of your Grant Funding Agreement) to as soon as you are aware of the change.

For a Legal Representative change, you must also attach a letter of appointment from your HR department to confirm the new signatory has the authority to sign legal documents on behalf of the organisation.

It is essential these details are kept up to date as this is the information the Turing Scheme will use to contact you about the Grant Funding Agreement and your Funded Activities.

You can download and keep our Turing Scheme regular tasks checklist handy to help you keep track of these tasks.

Read the Turing Scheme 2023 to 2024 Handbook for further detailed guidance on these tasks and all aspects of managing your Turing Scheme Project.


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